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Branding and Marketing Collaterals

Saint Patrick Holy Family
Church merger

The Process

Determining the symbols and values to be represented

The symbolism of the Catholic church can be found everywhere; however, the challenge was to illustrate a lighthouse that would represent traditional symbols in a contemporary fresh brand, from top to bottom, the symbols can be appreciated as follows: 

  1. 12 rays representing the original Jesus' disciples and their tribes.
  2. Alpha and Omega intertwine, representing the light emitted from the top of the lighthouse.
  3. A narrow door with a very straight path directing upwards
  4. 7 vertical divisions indicating the virtues
  5. Golden Halo represents Sainthood and the striving of anyone professing the Catholic faith.
  6. The golden halo also visually distinguishes the in and out, representing the afterlife and scatological human worlds.
  7. 7 waves trying to disturb the peace and straight path represent capital sins.
  8. A wide entrance leading upwards, inviting the observer inwards, a reflection on the bottomless mercy and an invitational path open to anyone willing to trail it.

    For the name merger, a complete spelling of Saint creates balance, increasing the visual weight of the names. The kerning of the letters had to be forced to occupy the same footprint as Holy, resulting in a balanced composition. Additionally, using two distinctive family colours visually separated them and created unity.
Catholic Logo Designer
Brand Merger Cover
Standup Banner Design
Company Values Design
Symbol Design
Stationery Design
Branding Book Design
Logo with hidden meaning
Business Card Design
Brand Manu

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